1) Banking Evolution & FinTech Emergence
2) Technology & Job Trend
3) Equip yourself
Date: 22 July 11-12
Language: English & Mandarin
Host: Vienne Lee
VIP Speaker: Greg Au Yeung
Enrol here: https://www.linkedin.com/events/6680731783602032640/
欧阳先生先后在多家外资银行担任高管职位,包括盛宝金融科技,瑞士银行,澳新银行,摩根士丹利 及道富银行等, 同时拥有成功组建多家银行中国区金融科技研发中心的丰富经验,包括协助金融科技 机构及银行提供创新方案及数字化转型。在中国工作期间也曾参与过创立一家 (前身为美国友邦) 消费金融/P2P 机构及顾问公司。来中国发展之前,欧阳先生先后在美国,日本及香港工作。
欧阳先生被复旦大学委任为高级顾问,同时也是金融科技人才标准化委员会共同创办人之一。过去十 年先后受邀请成为浙江大学兼职教授, 金融信息系主任, 以及上海交通大学硕士课程客座讲师,专注 于金融信息系统领域。此外,欧阳先生分别获邀请为上海英文日报,电脑世界,新金融世界等国内外知 名杂志之专栏作家。
欧阳先生先后获取英国西敏寺大学计算机科学学士(荣誉)学位,香港中文大学行政人员工商管理硕士 (EMBA)学位,麻省理工人工智能证书,哈佛大学金融科技文凭,及哥本哈根商学院金融服务数字化转 型证书。他同时拥有特许科技专业人员资格。 欧阳先生更是香港电脑学会资深会员,英国电脑学会会 员,上海香港总商会会员,以及上海美国商会会员。
Vienne Lee welcome you to her Reading Club. “The Nvidia Way”
Join us for the Finance Mandarin Reading Club featuring “The Nvidia Way” by Tae Kim on March 7, 2025, from 4 PM to 5 PM HKT. This engaging event will explore the unique insights and lessons from Nvidia's remarkable journey and its impact on the tech industry.
Benefits of Attending-
Deep Insights: Gain a comprehensive understanding of Nvidia's history and culture, as well as its strategies for success.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow finance professionals and Mandarin learners, enhancing your professional network.
Exclusive Offer: Attendees will receive 2 weeks FREE access to the Finance Mandarin AI course, providing a valuable opportunity to improve your business Mandarin skills.
Interactive Discussion: Participate in discussions that will enrich your understanding of sustainable finance and business practices in China.Don't miss this chance to enhance your knowledge and skills while enjoying a stimulating discussion!
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