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Finance Mandarin The Beauty of the Chinese Characters

Finance Mandarin opens the wonderful door for your Chinese Characters Learning. Vienne Lee and Eve Wang show you the tips to master Chinese.

Join this event to explore the Beauty of the Chinese Characters together with our Mandarin experts. You will be able to comprehend the Chinese language easier and it will not be as tough as it looks. 💡

Your key takeaways:

✔️ Explore the Chinese culture and the meanings behind its characters

✔️ Understand Chinese business etiquettes

✔️ Comprehend the Chinese characters easier

Host: Vienne Lee, CEO of Finance Mandarin

Connect Vienne Lee LinkedIn

🔹 founder of AI+ Education venture raising capital for expansion, 20 years in coaching Finance Business Mandarin, and communication skills for executives in the finance and legal sectors from major financial hubs.

🔹 program director for industry-focused case studies for Investmetn Bank, Alternative investment Private Equity, Hedge Funds, VC, Real Estate, Asset Management, covering 33 industries


VIP Speaker: Eve Wang

To me, Chinese characters are like hidden gems. They preserve and record the path of how our ancestors tried to understand the world and their phased results. With the help of Chinese characters, I have spanned thousands of years and met with the ancients. Touched the tangible and invisible worlds in their minds.
— Eve Wang, Chinese Expert