Laugh and Share | Lunch with Finance Mandarin Students

Laugh and Share Lunch with Finance Mandarin Students

Vienne and two loyal fans students, Ning and Mireille had a great lunch in a gorgeous modern Chinese Restaurant (Duckee) in Lee Garden Causeway Bay today, 3 June 2021.

When women sit at a table, there are always sharing. The three experienced ladies, an educator, an M&A banker and an ex-equity sales head, discussed job markets in the capital market, from sell-side to buy-side, as an appetizer.

Moving to the main course, e-commerce in China is now on the rise. The power of it can never be neglected, in particular, annual active consumers of China's largest mobile commerce platform, Taobao, reached 674 million as of June 30, 2019. 

In light of that, Mireille and Vienne taught Ning how to use Taobao to buy a Mask, to witness the power of China e-commerce together. 

They also joked about opening a shop on WeChat, one of the biggest China e-commerce platform.


When it comes to dessert, the beauties love it. Taking about beauty and health, living a positive lifestyle from different perspectives. And also how to prevent the sun from burning while playing golf. I believe everyone would love to hear this; we all have our own little tips. 

With the soft lighting and the relaxing atmosphere, the ladies who were not supposed to eat sweet today, enjoyed their treats in laughter.