Risk Management and Audit in Business Chinese | Big 4 KPMG Isaac Yan | Vienne Lee Finance Mandarin
/Risk Management and Audit in Business Chinese | Big 4 KPMG Isaac Yan | Vienne Lee Finance Mandarin
Isaac Yan
Retired Risk Management Partner at KPMG, one of the big 4 Accounting Organizations
Approve and entrust 300 hours for 10 partners from Tax, Accounting, Corporate finance, Advisory and Listing department
Prevent risks for the Chinese government for 20 years in Beijing
Contribute to audit work of SOE (State-owned enterprise), NDRC, SASC and Red chip listings and restructuring such as Sinopec
Engage with China financial regulators such as CSRC, CBIRC, Ministry of Finance and SASAC
As a gatekeeper for KPMG for choosing long-term partnership