Vienne Lee takes the Finance Mandarin ESG book to the HKEX Hall

We are delighted to support World Investor Week – the International Organization of Securities Commissions’ annual global campaign to raise awareness of the importance of investor education.

This year’s theme is investor resilience and sustainable finance, and the Finance Mandarin team is attending the investor education and financial literacy event.

HKEX is partnering with the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC), the CFA Institute, and the CFA Society Hong Kong to host our annual Strike the Gong for Financial Literacy event on Wednesday, 4 October 2023.

HKEX Strike the Gong financial literacy

Market Open Ceremony – Strike the Gong for Financial Literacy

👍 Vanessa Lau
Group Chief Financial Officer, HKEX

Keynote Speech

👍Tim Lui
Chairman, Securities and Futures Commission

Panel Discussion: Understand the Financial and ESG Benefits of Sustainable Investing

👍 Priscilla Luk
Managing Director, Head of Global Research & Design, APAC, S&P Dow Jones Indices

👍 Keith Ng
Managing Director – Finance, Link Asset Management Limited

👍Frank Tsui
Managing Director, Head of ESG Investment, Value Partners Group

👍 Wisely Ngai, CFA, CAIA (Moderator)
Vice-Chair, Media Committee, CFA Society Hong Kong

#esg #education #sustainability #hkex #cfa #sfc #greenfinance #financemandarin

Book your Finance Mandarin ESG 4-week course now

The First ESG Sustainable Finance Mandarin Book

🌍🌱 Introducing the Finance Mandarin 漢通金融學院 ESG Book - The First ESG Sustainable Finance Mandarin Book! 📘📚

🔹 Mandarin, Pinyin, and English translations
🔹 8 case studies focusing on the Principals and Essence of ESG
🔹 China Carbon Goals and GBA Green initiatives covered
🔹 Real Estate, Energy, Green Bond, Syndication Loans, Infrastructure finance
🔹 Hong Kong, Greater Bay Area, China, and Asia focus
🔹 Intermediate to advanced Mandarin Level
🔹 Video teachings on ESG cases
🔹 Online access to 8 case studies
🔹 Audio, video, ESG keywords flashcards, voice input
🔹 ALL complimentary for students
🔹 Seeking corporate sponsors for ESG program
🔹 Bringing ESG education to schools in Hong Kong, GBA, Singapore
🔹 AI learning platform of Finance Mandarin

Join us in promoting sustainable finance and ESG awareness. Become a corporate sponsor of the Finance Mandarin ESG Book and contribute to the education and development of future finance professionals. Let's build a greener and more sustainable future together!

#ESG #SustainableFinance #FinanceMandarin #EducationForChange #CorporateSponsorship #hsk #mandarinchinese #languages

Native Mandarin Investment bankers come to Finance Mandarin 100-hour Real Estate Finance, Why?

Finance Mandarin Real Estate 100 hours 1-1

宋伟,中国上海出生的中国人,一位能力优秀的投资银行分析师,毕业于常青藤名校 MBA。



但是对于如何正确阐述金融房地产投资的相关评论, 分析存在困难。




宋伟的金融房地产证书课程共有100 小时。

立即报名 Finance Mandarin金融房地产课程:

Finance Mandarin: 在岸人民币与离岸人民币—交易和结算CNY vs CNH: Trading and Settlement

Finance Mandarin 汉通金融教研团队于2022年8月11日主持亚洲证券业与金融市场协会(ASIFMA)举办的专业培训课程—中国篇。此为系列培训,以普通话主讲。 


参与演讲的嘉宾均为交易和结算方面的专业人士,拥有多年的丰富的交易经验。 他们分别是澳新银行 (ANZ) 环球金融市场部中国交易主管胡晓雯女士 (Ms. Nicole Hu) ,贝莱德建信理财 (BlackRock CCB Wealth Management)资深交易员童雪敏女士 (Ms. Xuemin Tong) 。


第一部分 由胡晓雯女士讲解人民币可交割及不可交割的远期产品——交易和结算;

第二部分 由童雪敏女士来讨论离岸人民币市场的发展 。

在一个小时的课程中,Finance Mandarin的教研团队深入理解了CNY和CNH的交易现状及交易流程,两位讲师详细的讲解了在交易过程中可能面对的问题:







Nicolas aguzin, ceo of hkex

  1. 新的Swap Connect对于CNY和CNH市场有什么影响?

  2. 人民币在国际主要清算货币中的占比,2016年到2018年为什么会从2.45下降到1.66?

  3. 很多境外投资机构或个人投资者增持人民币的原因是什么?交易中的人民币会重新流入国内市场吗?增持的底层逻辑是什么?

  4. 2022年以来,美联储快节奏加息,吸收全球资本回流美国,加上国内疫情和经济形势严峻,市场对中国外汇收支有一定担心,您认为未来外汇收支趋势如何,如果进入逆差是否会对人民币走势造成影响? 

Finance Mandarin与行业协会紧密合作,为来自香港、新加坡及英美欧外籍高管学员提供优质的教育服务,深入认识不同地区间的金融监管机制的异同。学员来自政府部门与金融监管、各跨国金融企业及资产投资巨头,包括高盛、摩根大通、富达、摩根士丹利、东方汇理、花旗、道富、汇丰等感到收获颇丰。 

参加该系列课程不仅帮助Finance Mandarin的教研团队在金融课程设计、 师资增值,更好地与学生进行沟通和交流,并且能更深入地理解学生在工 作中可能会遇到的问题并给予指引。 


Testimonial of Michael Chadwick, Head of Education & Training at ASIFMA

The secret to the great success of our business in China

“Vienne Lee and Debbie Chen from Finance Mandarin have contributed their great effort to the success of our ASIFMA China Training Series.

Finance Mandarin’s top trainer Debbie has hosted the ASIFMA webinars that are conducted in Mandarin since April 2022, and she understands and hosts webinars well with her financial knowledge and good expression.

Debbie is well prepared before each webinar, joining each panellist meeting to know more about the contents. She prepares questions in advance in case the participants cannot make questions on their own. Debbie also conducts the Q&A sessions, leads the flow of the webinars, and she assigns questions to panelists according to best suitability and relevancy.

We appreciate Finance Mandarin's efforts during the past 5 months, and we are looking forward to cooperating with Finance Mandarin again in the future.”

Testimonial of Senan Yuen, Head of Investment, China at Fidelity

I am very happy with my progress over the past year. Thanks to Vienne Lee and the Finance Mandarin team of great teachers. Debbie Chen is very pragmatic and excellent in applying the 80/20 rule to organise my thoughts and accomplish focused learning tasks within a limited time so that I can achieve solid results and tangible outputs. Wang Laoshi is good at accurate pronunciation drills and culture sharing.

Finance Mandarin: 环境、社会和管治(ESG)与可持续金融:Environment, Governance and Sustainable Finance Webinar

Finance Mandarin 汉通金融教研团队于2022年7月12日主持亚洲证券业与金融市场协会(ASIFMA)举办的专业培训课程—中国篇。此为系列培训,以普通话主讲。 


参与演讲的嘉宾均为金融行业及绿色金融行业中优秀的领导者, 他们分别是沪玥商务咨询(上海)有限公司ESG合规顾问-刘禹先生 (Mr. Ivan Liu) ,施罗德 (Schroders) 亚太环境、社会及企业管治 (ESG)专家, 黄丹祺女士(Ms. Dan Chi Wong) 及瑞银 (UBS) 亚太区ESG/可持续发展研究主管, 胡炳熙先生(Mr. Ronald Wu) 。


第一部分 由刘禹先生介绍“ESG的定义、历史和国际背景及当前演变”;

第二部分 由黄丹祺女士来讨论“买方角度谈ESG ”。


在一个小时的课程中,Finance Mandarin的教研团队深入理解了ESG的发展过程及现状,确定ESG在金融行业中的重要性:





Finance Mandarin与行业协会紧密合作,为来自香港、新加坡及英美欧外籍高管学员提供优质的教育服务,深入认识不同地区间的金融监管机制的异同。学员来自政府部门与金融监管、各跨国金融企业及资产投资巨头,包括高盛、摩根大通、富达、摩根士丹利、东方汇理、花旗、道富、汇丰等感到收获颇丰。 

参加该系列课程不仅帮助Finance Mandarin的教研团队在金融课程设计、 师资增值,更好地与学生进行沟通和交流,并且能更深入地理解学生在工 作中可能会遇到的问题并给予指引。 


How can a Canadian Chinese CIO Overcome Work and Culture Challenges in Shanghai?

How can a Canadian Chinese CIO Overcome Work and Culture Challenges in Shanghai?


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Fidelity Hong Kong’s Asian Bond Fund won the three-year overseas China Bond Golden Bull Fund 🏆

Fidelity Hong Kong’s Asian Bond Fund won the three-year overseas China Bond Golden Bull Fund 🏆

Congratulations 🥳 🎉 Fidelity Hong Kong’s Asian Bond Fund won the three-year overseas China Bond Golden Bull Fund 🏆

Senan Yuen, CIO, Fidelity China 🇨🇳 Media Coaching with Vienne Lee

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Julien Bernard having Mandarin Class in Hong Kong

Julien Bernard having Mandarin Class in Hong Kong

The Real Julien Bernard 👍👍👍

Finance Mandarin is glad to work with the French asset management company. With €1.729 trillion of assets under management (AUM) at the end of 2020, one of the 10 biggest investment managers by AUM in the world. After so many months of remote video Chinese lessons, it is a pleasure to meet the real Julien in person.

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Vienne Lee and Mark Machin's Interview at Ignites Asia

Vienne Lee and Mark Machin's Interview at Ignites Asia

Mark Machin, Toronto-based president of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, says his aim in learning Mandarin is to be able to have good conversations with people and to be able to read relevant Chinese language articles.

"The benefits [of learning Mandarin] are a better understanding of the news and context from Greater China,” he says.

Machin started learning Mandarin in 2012 and maintains a working relationship with Finance Mandarin to improve his Mandarin proficiency. Before taking on his current role in Toronto, the pension’s helmsman was most recently CPPIB’s Hong Kong-based senior managing director and head of international.

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CNN Interview with Chinese author, Yu Hua

CNN Interview with Chinese author, Yu Hua

Vienne Lee was authorized to be the English-Mandarin Simultaneous Interpreter for Yu Hua and Kevin Drew at CNN, 2008. Vienne was excited to share the Chinese culture by redefining the values and meaning of the book “To Live” ; 《活着 huó zhe》, by 余华 Yúhuá。

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Media Training Success, JP Morgan Asset Management Story

Media Training Success, JP Morgan Asset Management Story

Eddy Wong, Managing Director, JP Morgan, was the moderator in Business Mandarin at the HKIFA event on 30 Oct 2015. This event had 300 participants from Asset Managment giants, regulators, HKSAR govt, HKEX, SFC, public media and certainly industry players. Blackrock, Fidelity, Invesco, Schroder, Manulife, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Standard Life, Principal, KPMG, PcW, EY... all were present.

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In conversation with HKEX CEO Nicolas Aguzin

In conversation with HKEX CEO Nicolas Aguzin

“ I don’t anticipate a significant shift in our strategy around being ‘China anchored’. China is a very strategic advantage that HKEX has, and we should leverage it to the maximum as possible”. ——Nicolas Aguzin, CEO of HKEX

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Finance Mandarin Unique Case Method

Finance Mandarin Unique Case Method

With the coronavirus outbreak making constant headlines these days it can be a little bit overwhelming trying to decide when to go to the doctor for other smaller issues. One has to ask themselves, “is it worth going to the doctor to fix a small problem, while at the same time risking getting infected with a larger problem?”

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